Q: What's inside Wrestle Crate?
Wrestle Crate is a monthly mystery box that contains an assortment of wrestling items. Inside you will find goodies from both top brands in the wrestling world as well as Wrestle Crate exclusive items that cannot be bought anywhere else. The type of items you can expect are exclusive t-shirts, autographed memorabilia, pins, collectables, vinyl figures, posters, trinkets, magazines and artwork plus lots more.
Q: What happens when I sign up to Wrestle Crate?
When you sign up you're billed that day for our next advertised Crate. At this point, we're hand-picking what we believe to be the absolute best wrestling content ready to load into your Crate. Your Crate will ship on 24th (or first working day thereafter), and should arrive shortly after this. You're billed for the next Crate on the 28th, shortly after your Crate has been dispatched. You can request to cancel at any time and even skip a month from within your account.
Q: How long do I have to sign up?
The counter on our home page helps you track this. Our cut off is 23:59 GMT on the 12th of every month.
Q: How often will I receive my Wrestle Crate?
Wrestle Crate is a monthly subscription. You'll receive a Crate every month.
Q: When will my Wrestle Crate ship?
We ship on the 24th of each month (or the first working day thereafter). If you signed up between the 1st and 12th of the month, you'll be sent you first Wrestle Crate this month. If you sign up between the 13th and 31st of the month, you'll be sent your first Wrestle Crate next month.
If you've not received your Crate after 25 days from shipping, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk for investigation. Orders outside of the UK will take up to one month to arrive. We please ask for your patience while your delivery is in the hands of your local post service.
If your Crate is returned to us having not been collected by you from your post collection point (in the event that you're not home upon attempted delivery) it is your responsibility to contact us to arrange to pay the postage fee again and re-arrange delivery. We will hold onto returned Wrestle Crates for 90 days.
Shipping dates are estimates and we may ship later than this in the event of unexpected delay. No refunds would be given should we need to ship later than the 24th.
Q: I think my Crate is lost. What should I do?
First of all, don't worry. Less than 0.02% of the Crates we've sent have actually went missing in transit. However, circa 1% of Wrestle Crates each month are returned to us. The top two reasons are "not called for" and "incorrect address".
Before contacting us, please ensure that you complete the following steps:
1) Check with your local post collection point. Most of our returned Crates are not picked up and returned to us after 21 days. It's possible that the postman didn't leave a card.
2) Log into your account and check your address. If this has been entered incorrectly, the Crate will be returned to us and we will resend it upon you paying the P&P; to resend.
3) Within your account you can see the status of your account. If this says "active", and you haven't skipped a month's Crate, then you are expecting a Crate. If this says anything other than "active" then please contact us.
After you've checked the above, if you've still not received your Crate after 25 days (45 outside of the UK) then please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk with the delivery name and address.
Q: What is the difference between Wrestle Crate and Wrestle Crate Lite?
Just the amount of goodies inside. Wrestle Crate contains every item for the month, at least 7 items. Wrestle Crate Lite contains 3 items: a t-shirt, autograph and some wrestling to watch online. The only way to ensure you get every item is inside Wrestle Crate. Both options will always include a t-shirt and autograph, which our subscribers tell us are the two items they love the most.
Q: What Countries do we ship to and what is the cost of shipping?
We ship to the UK for £5, the rest of Europe for £10.50 and Austalia and New Zealand for £18. We do not ship to North America, sorry. Because the shipping cost varies for different countries, if you select the wrong shipping option we will process a payment for the remaining balance due before shipping your Wrestle Crate on the 24th.
Q: Do I get a tracking ID for my Crate?
Our economy shipping does NOT include insurance or tracking. If you'd like to add this option, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk. By signing up to Wrestle Crate you accept that insurance and tracking will not be included in your subscription.
Q: Why are we asking for your shirt size?
Every Crate contains an exclusive wrestling t-shirt! We want to ensure that these fit you.
On very rare occasions we may run out of certain sizes. If this happens we will give you the next size of t-shirt up.
Q: Can I buy Wrestle Crate for my child?
We advise parental discretion when subscribing to Wrestle Crate. Although we aim to keep our boxes family-friendly, we often are not able to review the media (print, DVD, etc) beforehand so parental discretion is advised.
Q: I am trying to sign up but have been given a "card has been declined error". What can I do?
We use an American payment processor called Stripe who, despite being the most-used online payment processor in the US, are often flagged by UK banks and payments decline. The small number of people who've experienced this issue before have all been able to fix this by telling their bank that they intend to pay us and the payment has went through fine upon second attempt.
You can also use the PayPal option to pay with card or through PayPal instead.
Q: When will I be billed for Wrestle Crate?
You will be charged for the full cost of the first month on sign up. After your initial Crate has been dispatched, a recurring charge will be automatically processed a few days after the Crate ships. This will happen on the 28th of each month.
Q: I get paid after the 28th. What should I do?
Don't worry. If our system detects that you're unable to renew on the 28th it will re-try for nine times in the proceeding 11 days.
Q: I don't have a credit card. Can I pay using PayPal?
YES! We accept most major bank cards from all over the world. You can enter your bank card details into the "credit card" section of the payment screen to pay via bank card. We DO accept PayPal payments too.
Q: Can I cancel my subscription then reactivate it before the cut off?
Yes, you can reactivate a subscription until 23:59 on the 12th.
Q: How do I update my payment information?
Log into your account, select "Subscriptions", select “Account Settings”, Select "Wallet - View". In here, you can view, remove and add new payment methods.
Q: I want to cancel my subscription but am in the middle of a month. Do I still get the Wrestle Crate that I paid for?
Yes, you will still receive all of the Crates for which you've paid.
Q: How do I cancel my subscription?
Log into your account, select "Subscriptions". In here you can skip, pause and request to cancel your subscription. If you request to cancel your subscription, a member of our team will contact you, via the email address you signed up with, within 3 working days to assist.
Q: When can I cancel my subscription?
The first Wrestle Crate shipment of a new or reactivated subscription may not be cancelled after you've taken out your subscription. After your first Crate has arrived, you can request to cancel your subscription at any time, or even skip a payment cycle, all from within your account.
If you forgot to skip or request to cancel before a renewal and you would like to request a refund, you can only do so if it is more than 10 calendar days before an impending ship date and no more than 7 days after you made the payment. If we have sent you three-or-more reminders that a payment has failed and we will retry the next day, we cannot accept refund requests when this subsequently renews after we have sent several reminders. This is because we will have already purchased stock for you by that point. You will also lose any Crate Coins on your account. To request a refund, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk quoting your delivery name and postcode.
We can only accept a request to refund one payment of a monthly subscription fee per account, unless there has been an error on our behalf.
If you cancel after the 28th of the month,you will still receive the next Crate, because you've been charged for this.
Q: How do I change my t-shirt size or how to I upgrade/downgrade my plan?
Please email us at info@wrestlecrate.co.uk to change your t-shirt size or switch between Wrestle Crate and Wrestle Crate Lite.
Q: How do I change my shipping address?
Log into your account, select "Subscriptions", select "Delivery Preference - Edit". This must be done no later than the 12th of the month to guarantee that the address change will take affect for that month's Crate.
Q: An item was broken or damaged in my Wrestle Crate. What should I do?
Send an email with a picture of the damaged item to: info@wrestlecrate.co.uk. We only accept returns for items which have arrived damaged or faulty. (Note - we can only replace items that have a manufacturing fault or damage to the item itself. If the damage is to the packaging of an item then this would have happened in transit and we will not replace this. Please contact Royal Mail in the event your item arrives damaged in transit)
Q: I received the wrong shirt size. What should I do?
If this was one size up then we're afraid that we simply ran out of stock of your size due to high demand. This very, very rarely happens, but can. If your shirt size is completely wrong then please send an email to: info@wrestlecrate.co.uk
Q: Will I be charged import fees if I order from an EU country?
No. We are registered to pre-pay VAT in your country for you, via Desucla. Our IOSS number is IM3720004848.
If you're charged import fees, this is a mistake by your local postal service. Please contact them in the first instance, quoting our IOSS number.
Q: Are you registered for the German Packing Act?
Yes, we are. On January 1, 2019, Germany’s Packaging Act (VerpackG) came into effect, imposing requirements on online retailers sending packages to buyers in Germany. The Packaging Act promotes recycling and reuse of packaging materials (e.g. cardboard boxes and tape).
Our company - Six Pennies Limited - is registered with LUCID, which is the Packaging Register of the Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Foundation Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR).
Producers/distributors pay a license fee to the dual system for the collection, sorting and recycling of the packaging they introduced to the market. Our Dual System partner is Activate by Reclay.
As we say on our packaging, please recycle when you can. Thank you.
Q: Are you registered for the French Recycling Scheme?
Yes, we are. Our UIN is: FR279333_01AEVV
Q: Will Wrestle Crate sponsor me/send me free stuff/give me my own discount code?
We are asked this almost every day. The answer is 'maybe'. We're always looking to work with new influencers. If you have a platform on which you'd like to promote Wrestle Crate, please send an email to: info@wrestlecrate.co.uk with the following information:
Your name
Your platform (YouTube, Podcast, etc) including a link
Your subscriber/follower/listener count

Six Pennies Limited
Company registration number: 11495901
VAT number: 242244829
Email: info@wrestlecrate.co.uk
Postal Address: Wrestle Crate PO Box 348, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, NE12 2GL
Privacy Policy:
At Wrestle Crate, we’re what is known in the wrestling world as ‘babyfaces’. Basically, we’re the good guys. And, as such, we don’t sell your data to other companies. All we do use it for is to get your monthly boxes of wrestling goodies to you, and to tell you about wrestling-themed stuff. If you want to know more, please read on.
What information is being collected?
First and last name of the person who’s receiving the delivery. Delivery address. Payment information. Contact email address.
Who is collecting it?
Wrestle Crate UK, via the reputable systems that we use to power our website and mailing list: Subbly, Stripe and MailChimp.
How is it collected?
We only ever collect your information when you make a purchase at WrestleCrate.co.uk. We don’t buy or sell customer data, or acquire this by any other means.
Why is it being collected and how will it be used?
We only take the information we need. We use the delivery name and address to know where to send you your purchases. We will never write to you or send you anything else by post which is not related to a purchase. We use your billing information to charge you for your purchases. We use your email address to keep you updated about you orders/account/subscription, and to send you information about Wrestle Crate products and services. We may on occasion email you with information or special offers from other wrestling companies which we think may be of interest to you.
Who will it be shared with?
We will never share any of your data with a third party. We may email you about another wrestling company, but we will do this ourselves and never pass on your information.
I want to change my personal data. How do I do this?You can change your personal information at any time by logging into your account at WrestleCrate.co.uk. If you have any trouble with this, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk
Can I request all of my data to be deleted?
Yes. Please note, this will result in any active subscriptions being cancelled due to us needing your data to supply you with monthly Wrestle Crates. To request your data to be deleted please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk, making sure to include the name and account number in question, and which data you'd like updated or deleted. This will be completed within 28 days. Note: this only covers data relating to your Wrestle Crate account, and not our mailing list. Please see the questions below if you'd like to change mailing list preferences.
Can I request a copy of the data which you hold for me?
Yes. Please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk to request this and we will email you an electronic copy within 28 days.
How do I opt out of marketing?Every email we send you has an “unsubscribe” button, which will remove your email address from our marketing email list. If you have any trouble with this, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk
How do I make a complaint relating to any of the above?Please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk outlining your complaint and this will be picked up by our GDPR manager
Terms and Conditions and Legal Info
All content appearing on this website is the property of Six Pennies Limited. Copyright © 'Wrestle Crate'. All rights reserved. As a user, you are authorised only to view, copy, print, and distribute documents on this website so long as (1) the document is used for informational purposes only, and (2) any copy of the document (or portion thereof) includes the following copyright notice: Copyright © 2024 Wrestle Crate. All rights reserved.
All brand, product, service, and process names appearing on this website are trademarks of their respective holders. Reference to or use of a product, service, or process does not imply recommendation, approval, affiliation, or sponsorship of that product, service, or process by Wrestle Crate. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel, or otherwise any license or right under any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right of Wrestle Crate or any third party, except as expressly granted herein.
Terms of Use:
This website may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed. Information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Information, including product pricing and availability, may be changed or updated without notice. Wrestle Crate and its subsidiaries reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and/or cancel orders in its discretion.
International shipping:
International Customs and import duties may be applied to International orders when the shipment reaches its destination. Such charges are the responsibility of the recipient of your order and vary from country to country. Contact your local customs office for details. Shipping laws are different in each country. It is your responsibility to check with your Customs office to verify whether the country to which you are shipping permits the shipment of your products. Wrestle Crate is not responsible for any direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages that arise from improper international shipping practices.
The content included in this website has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice as are any products, programs, offerings, or technical information described in this website. Wrestle Crate makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the completeness, quality, or adequacy of the website or content, or the suitability, functionality, or operation of this website or its content. By using this website, you assume the risk that the content on this website may be inaccurate, incomplete, offensive, or may not meet your needs and requirements. Any warranty that is provided in connection with any of the products and services described on this website is provided by the advertiser or manufacturer only, and not by Wrestle Crate. The references and descriptions of products or services within the website materials are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Wrestle Crate is not liable for any damages, including any consequential damages, of any kind that may result to the user from the use of the materials on this website or of any of the products or services described hereon. The inclusion of material on this server does not imply any endorsement by Wrestle Crate, which makes no warranty of any kind with respect to the subject matter of the server materials advertised. A possibility exists that the server materials could include inaccuracies or errors. Although Wrestle Crate tries to ensure the integrity and the accurateness of the server materials, it makes no guarantees about their correctness or accuracy. Wrestle Crate is not responsible for any injuries caused by products it ships. Please contact the manufacturer for any safety queries.
Return Policy:
Wrestle Crates may not be returned. We will deal with any damaged items on a case-by-case basis. If any of the items inside your Wrestle Crate are damaged, please email info@wrestlecrate.co.uk. This does not cover damaged packing.
Your Subscription:
By purchasing any subscription, you acknowledge that your subscription has an initial and recurring payment feature and you accept responsibility for all recurring charges prior to cancellation. Your subscription will be automatically extended for successive periods, at the then-current subscription rate. You can cancel anytime. To do this, log into your account and select cancel. Cancellations must be completed by you, please do not email us with cancellation request, they will not be fulfilled. There is not any contracts or obligations. We reserve the right to revoke your subscription at any time.
Governing Law:
This Agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales, and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
Misc: Although the information on this website is accessible worldwide, not all products or services discussed in this website are available to all persons or in all geographic locations or jurisdictions. Wrestle Crate reserve the right to limit the provision of their products or services to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction they so desire and to limit the quantities of any products or services that they provide. Any offer for any product or service made in the materials on this Web site is void where prohibited. The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Wrestle Crate with respect to this website. The Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written between you and Wrestle Crate with respect to this website. No modification of the terms and conditions shall be effective unless it is authorised by Wrestle Crate. If any provision of the terms and conditions is found to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be constructed in a manner to closely reflect, as much as possible, the intentions of the parties, with the other provisions remaining in full force and effect. By signing up for Wrestle Crate you agree to these terms and conditions.